PUML | Sticking to Healthy Habits

PUML Better Health
5 min readJan 20, 2022


Motivation is difficult to quantify, both research & trainers agree that it must be carefully cultivated based on one’s unique interests, goals, strengths & weaknesses. If you’re really determined to make this year your best yet then you can definitely do it. However, you can’t really fake motivation forever. But you can strengthen your existing drive & learn from it. It’s a matter of discovering the most effective ways to turn your existing motivations into actions.

1. Stay close to your regular routine and adopt small changes.

Everyone has different lifestyle or health-related challenges that can make it difficult to be ‘healthy’ from the get go. If you struggle with sticking to different routines, try making small changes over a longer period of time. You don’t have to take the cold-turkey approach to accomplishing your goals. It’s your journey, so go with changes that make sense to your body and state of mind. Most importantly, develop and fuel your sense of self-compassion. The energy you expend on beating yourself up over ‘failure’ is better used to give yourself the motivation and confidence to move forward quickly and give your goals another go, and another, and another, and another…. It’s totally normal experience several false-starts, just don’t give up on yourself!

2. Mindful Consumption of food.

With so much food around special events in the year, convenience of food delivery apps and temptation all around… it’s no wonder we sometimes see an increase in our serving sizes. Some more than others, but that’s ok. Recognize it, accept it and move forward with intentional change. The power of mindful eating is incredible, it will allow you to not only know when your body is full, but everything tastes better because you’re more focused on enjoying your meal than sampling as much as possible. Don’t feel the need to eat everything on your plate, leftovers can be just as good if not better. Think of it as getting your samples and still having the option to go back for the greatest hits, LATER.😊

3. Believe in yourself.

It’s the holistic idea of healthy living that’s going to lead to longer lasting success and perhaps a more fulfilling life. Holistic living and mental well-being aren’t about cutting out everything you might enjoy. It’s about implementing better habits, learning from the shortfalls, and applying yourself to enjoy what you like in moderation. Food nourishes the body and mind, but just like anything else, too much might be pushing your limits in a negative way. Just be mindful of your limits and don’t let the guilt or shame associated with ‘relapses’ feel like the be-all-end-all of your health-based goals. You got this!

4. Set a rewards, values-based system, that suits YOU.

Reward yourself with activities instead of a sweet or savory treat. Use the reframing tool (Reframing: A Tool To Think Differently : The Innovation Framework) to gift yourself a trip to the beach or a day out with friends as a special moment that you earned. The more closely your reward activities align with your core values, the more likely you’ll be motivated to succeed. One small step at a time. Think about the activities and memories that meant the most to you and why. This will help you think more deeply about what you care about, to help you figure out what milestones you can set for yourself that are truly worth it to you.

5. You’ve heard it before, we’ll tell you again. It’s about exercise, diet and MENTAL HEALTH.

Do your best to find opportunities to exercise, especially if you can’t follow your normal workout regime. Something is always better than nothing. 10 minutes of walking around the house is better than sitting and thinking about how you’ll do it (maybe or not) later. A short, active break can act as: an insightful refresh button to how you’re feeling in the moment, shift plateauing thoughts or jumpstart better blood flow to keep your mind and body going (just to name a few benefits).

If you’re struggling to find something to do or just want to join a community as you sort through your health and wellbeing, try one of PUML’s public challenges. PUML’s Step Challenge or our upcoming Meditation Challenge with Australian National Volleyball player, Phoebe Bell, are a great way to start! You can Download PUML Better Health Mobile App to find an array of challenges that pique your interest.

6. Gratitude all the way.

We have a great opportunity to reflect on the things we’re grateful for. Take a moment to be thankful for the people, weather, negative and positive experiences in your life. Look for the silver lining, perspective can be everything. We recommend keeping a gratitude or smile journal over the next few months (or even a few weeks), you’re likely to see a positive change when you look back to when you started to where you’re at. Consider it a present for yourself that keeps on giving by helping you shift from a wallowing or numb state to a more positive mindset.

Your heightened sense of self-awareness and positivity from these practices can help to press the brakes on experiencing negative tunnel-vision in our own heads. That tunnel-vision can cause you to step back from progress in your personal and professional goals. So, we want address that ASAP to reduce the negative impact on our lives, and the first step is to recognize when we might be there and work to pull ourselves out. It’s the power of positive thinking meets the power of positive self-reflection.

7. CELEBRATE your wins!

Our most important recommendation is to celebrate the year and be kind to yourself. The last few years were challenging; we’re surviving an international pandemic and kicking goals while doing it! Take some time to celebrate your resilience, courage and opportunities you’ve had and the tough times you’ve endured.

We hope you find some of these habits helpful! If you have other strategies for staying happy and healthy in 2022, leave a comment below!



PUML Better Health
PUML Better Health

Written by PUML Better Health

Incentivising and rewarding members for active living, protecting health and fitness data on blockchain

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